Getting a professional headshot is like getting ready for a big performance. You want to look your best, feel your best, and let your true personality shine. Whether it’s for LinkedIn, your resume, or any other professional use, a great headshot is your ticket to making a stellar first impression. Here’s how to get prepped and primed for a headshot that confidently declares, "I am the best person to work with!"

Maximize Your Professional Headshot with These EXPERT Tips:

1. Dress to Impress (and Express)

Your outfit is a major player in your headshot game. Here’s how to nail it:

  • Solid Colors Are Your Friends: Patterns can be fun, but they’re not always photo-friendly. Stick to solid colors for a clean, professional look.
  • Go Neutral (or Not!): While navy, gray, and white are always winners, don’t be afraid to add a pop of color if it feels right.
  • Fit and Feel: Wear something that fits well and makes you feel like a million bucks.
  • Dress Code: Think of how you’d dress for a big interview or important meeting. If you’re in a corporate setting, a suit might be the way to go.

2. Groom Like a Pro

Good grooming can make a huge difference:

  • Hair: Get a trim or style a few days before the shoot. Avoid last-minute changes.
  • Skin: Clean, moisturized skin is the way to go. Gentlemen, a fresh shave or neatly trimmed beard works wonders.
  • Makeup: Keep it natural. The camera loves a fresh, clean look.

3. Hydrate and Hibernate

Feeling fresh is key:

  • Beauty Sleep: Get a good night’s sleep before your shoot. No one wants to see those tired eyes.
  • Hydrate: Drink lots of water in the days leading up to the shoot. Your skin will thank you.

4. Perfect Your Pose

Your expression can make or break your headshot:

  • Smile Naturally: Practice a smile that feels genuine. Think happy thoughts!
  • Confidence is Key: Stand tall and project confidence. A little practice in front of the mirror can help.

5. Chill Out

A calm mind equals a great headshot:

  • Relax: Deep breaths, listen to your favorite tunes, do whatever helps you chill out before the shoot.
  • Positive Vibes: Go in with a positive mindset. This is your time to shine!

6. Day of the Shoot

A few final tips for the big day:

  • Be Punctual: Arrive early to give yourself time to settle in.
  • Last-Minute Touch-Ups: Bring a small grooming kit for any quick fixes.
  • Communicate: Don’t be shy about telling your photographer what you’re looking for. They’re there to help you look your best.

7. Post-Shoot Picks

After the fun, it’s time to choose your favorites:

  • Take Your Time: Review the photos carefully and pick the ones that truly represent you.
  • Feedback: If something’s not quite right, let your photographer know. They can often make adjustments to get it just right.


Prepping for a headshot doesn’t have to be stressful. With a bit of planning and a positive attitude, you can ensure a fantastic outcome. Your professional headshot is a crucial part of your personal brand. Follow these tips, have some fun with it, and you’ll end up with a photo that not only looks great but also helps you stand out from the crowd. Smile, relax, and let your true self shine through!